DTV converter box target

December 14, 2023
Name: ARC Target Screen
12, 120 posts, read 21, 984, 535 times

Reputation: 3661

I bought an RCA STB7766G1 digital to analog converter box from target with the DTV govt coupon. Upon hooking the box up to my tv (small 13 inch magnavox color with dvd player) I noticed I was unable to get channel 3 as per the instruction manual. After spending close to an hour trying different settings with an RCA agent he finally told me to return the box for a more user friendly RCA DTA800 box.

Target is sold out of all their boxes but expects to get them in shortly. I have until 3/27 to return it and get another one from Target and apply the $40 coupon discount(I won't be able to apply the coupon if i get another box at another store however)

Do you think that my lack of a channel 3 on my tv will be a problem accomodating another converter box? if target does not carry the DTA 800 box would another box work?

I have rabbit ears on my TV(I don't have cable as i don't watch tv much and therefore don't want to spend the extra $$). Everything seemed to hook up OK

Any opinions?


Location: Downey CA

142 posts, read 198, 341 times

Reputation: 67

is this your tv?

12, 120 posts, read 21, 984, 535 times

EDDIEISTAZ is asking whether your TV has a video input (aka L1 on some models). According to the specs for the model you listed - it has a composite A/V input on the front of the TV. You could potentially connect the digital-analog converter box to this input instead of the antenna input.

But I am more curious about your statement that you are "unable to get channel 3". What does that mean? Are you saying when you tune to channel 3, you see no picture from the converter box?

12, 120 posts, read 21, 984, 535 times


Originally Posted by rlrl

by unable to get channel 3 i meant that the manual for the converter box tells you to set the tv on channel 3, but my tv only has channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13 and a few numbered channels after that but 3 does not show up at all, it skips from 2 to 4. when i tried to add channel 3 on the tv 3 was not available to add (just went from 2 to 4)

It sounds like the TV did some sort of scan when you first set it up, and only uses the channels that it found a signal on at that time. I guarantee that your TV is capable of tuning in channel 3... Try doing a channel scan on the TV while the converter box is turned on. That function should be somewhere in the menu system of the TV, probably on a "setup" sub-menu or something.
12, 120 posts, read 21, 984, 535 times
Sounds right

that tell you how to incorporate the conv box to the peculiarities of the individual tv. unless somebody is around who knows how to do it, i'm in the dark

12, 120 posts, read 21, 984, 535 times

i was told to go home this evening and hit 03 on the remote control instead of pressing channel 3 on the tv or call Cablevision and ask them what to do (will they assist me if they're not going to have me as a customer?)

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